Posts Tagged ‘lose weight’

The Blood Type Workout

February 26, 2013

A Workout Customized for Your Blood Type!

Imagine if your doctor, nutritionist and personal trainer all got together with a plan to help you lose weight and de-​​stress.… this dream come true is a brand new workout system just launched that is a customized for your DNA, and it has never been done before.

The blood type is a powerful genetic fingerprint, and there is a chemical reaction to food you eat, workouts and your blood.

The Blood Type Workout (www​.bloodtypeworkout​.com) has just launched this month. The kit contains a blood type test, stability ball, sand weights, exercise bands, and at least 3 DVDs for each type A, B, AB, O, and advice from doctors and nutritionists, Dr Joseph Christiano and Dina Khadar who wrote the Blood Type Diet.

I had the pleasure of creating an original workout video for one of the types, I did a walking-​​based cardio workout for one of the type AB DVDs. Here is a segment from Fox & Friends showing some of the moves. Segment here!

Below is a brief descriptions of the workouts for each type:

Type O — The most common blood type in the world was also the first, going back to the caveman and hunter — fight and filght.. The basic O is an athlete. O’s have more physical strength, and need exercise to release stress, worries, fears and anxieties. stress goes directly to your muscles. Need explosions of intense physical energy like plyometrics. More than any other blood type, Os rely on physical exercise to maintain physical health and emotional balance.

Type A — Heightened cortisol levels make it harder to recover from stress, derived in history from the first farmers. Need focus and calming effects. Yoga/​Pilates/​/​Tai Chi. Protect the joints. Avoid overtraining aerobics and weight.

Type B – Nomads in history. To maintain the mind/​body balance that is unique to Type B’s, not too aerobically intense, have an element of mental challenge and involve other people. Exercise modalities: low impact aerobics, weight training, martial arts, swimming, cycling and tennis.

Type AB — More modern life created this newest and most rare blood type, result of intermingling rather than environment. Resemble Type O in your tendency to overproduce adrenaline. Yet you also have the additional complexity of Type B’s you suffer the physical consequences of high emotions. Your greatest danger is the tendency to internalize your emotions, especially anger. Exercise modalities appropriate for ABs are: walking based cardio, dance, stretching, hiking, swimming, cycling, golf, tai chi, Yoga.

Fitness — fit it in and work out out right for your type!

Low Calorie Cocktails to Avoid the Heavy Holidays!

November 18, 2012

So you want to have a jolly time this holiday season, but you don’t want to pack on the pounds. Nikki Glor, aka NikkiFitness, is the author of “Slimnastics” and gives tips on working out hard and playing hard without gaining weight.

Tip 1 – if you can’t remember all this, try to drink clear or almost clear drinks.

White wine and champagne – sparking wines have 78 calories! Most types of white wine have about 120 calories. The less sweet, the better. Red wine usually has a few more calories per glass but is still a good choice.

Vodka Soda with lemon – 100 calories (this is even better than a vodka tonic which has an extra 70 calories because of the tonic) club soda is calorie free

Bloody Mary’s give you a little vegetable juice with your cocktail, at only 125 calories.

Instead of an appletini with 240 calories, try a gin martini with 3 olives for 120 calories!

Instead of a pina colada, which has around 250 calories, try a pinapple vodka with a splash of coconut water for 130 calories.

A frozen margarita has around 500 calories depending on where you get it. A skinygirl margarita with no salt has 100 calories.

And don’t forget, drink responsibly, add spritzer to cut calorie count and alcohol, and drink water between drinks to stay healthy. And even if you stick to these healthy drinks, each time you consume an extra 100 calories you have to do

* 30 mins walking
* 10 mins jogging
* 8 mins swimming
* 15 mins cycling

So three drinks = a 30 min jog/run for 3 miles…. you don’t want to be hung over! If you are traveling for the holiday season, just do my FIT TRAVEL WORKOUT DVD the day after your holiday party to burn off those festive calories!

Trend Alert: Jumping Warrior? Three New Workouts Combine Yoga and Plyometrics

November 9, 2012

Ever stretched into down dog, then practiced your jump tucks? A new trend for fall and 2013 is yoga workouts with plyometric intervals.

Plyometrics, if you are new to the term, are explosive jumping and level-​​changing moves that use your body weight as resistance, and require your muscles to fire away in short, intense bursts of power.

As a former college cheerleader, and current personal trainer and yoga instructor, I didn’t want to have to chose between my “ohm” days or my jumping workouts from the squad, so I created a new book and DVD workout called Slimnastics®! It combines gymnastics-​​inspired plyometric cardio intervals — like jump tucks, split jumps, and squat thrusts — with advanced balancing yoga moves — like firefly (titibasana), wheel push ups, warrior III booty boost, rockstar, handstands, side crow and 8 angle pose (astavakrasana) — that build upper body strength, boost your booty and require a lot of breath control and mental focus. The 30 minute, no-​​equipment workout is advanced, but the book has modified moves, tips on how to “get in shape for Slimnastics®” and mantras to get you moving. These core and toning moves coupled with the major calorie burn from plyometrics helped me get my body back after having a baby.

Soon after Slimnastics, I am happy to report that two similar results-​​based classes are taking New York City and the country by storm: BUTI® and Deep EXtreme. BUTI is a high-​​intensity Crunch workout that fuses yoga and dance with circuits of plyometrics and conditioning. BUTI® dance moves taken from various styles that focus on an intense shaking of the hips including Miami Booty Dance, Brazilian Baile Funk, Hip Hop, Crunk and African Tribal. Between the heart-​​pounding cardio deep stretching and dance moves, you¹ll be in BUTI®-ful shape in no time and feel sexy doing it.

The Equinox workout Deep EXtreme mixes up cardio like tribal swinging arm moves, flexibility yoga poses and strength training like squats in intervals of rest and intensity. It is based on Robert Steinbacher’s European bodyArt technique that was all the rage last year in the United States. Like Slimnastics®, and BUTI®, Deep EXtreme is a strengthening, energizing and calming series of moves for the entire body. The rhythmic beat music playlist keeps you flowing seamlessly from one move to the next. You’ll have a cardio high and a yoga calm after this trance dance.

If you don’t live near a Crunch or Equinox, try flipping your workout on it’s head with these Slimnastics sample moves to see if the workout is for you:

L Stand:

Sit on a mat facing the wall, with your legs extended in front of you. Your feet should touch the wall with them flexed, and place your hands next to your hips. This is how you measure your distance for the L Stand. Keep one hand on that mark where your hips were, and flip yourself over to face the mat. Place both hands where you measured, shoulders width apart and get into a tight down dog with your heels against the wall. Walk one foot then the other up the wall until your legs are parallel to the floor. (It helps to have a partner spot you so that they can tell you if your feet are too high or low. Look at the wall and push your hands strongly into the floor. Your body should look like an “L” in a 90% angle. You can also play with lifting one leg away from the wall at a time.

L Stand

Cardio Interval – X jump to Split jumps:

Stepping off the mat sets the scene for cheerleading inspired moves like X and split jumps. Perform 3 squats in fast succession counting 1,2,3. On the “and,” jump into the air using your leg muscles and punching the hands to the sky. Land on “four. Repeat.” I– squat/​ stand, 2– squat/​ stand, 3– squat/​ stand, and– jump, 4– land.” Make it advanced: turn the X into a toe touch (pictured).

See a sample video of Slimnastics at

Free Slimnastics Yoga Video!

October 31, 2012


Click here for the Slimnastics Power Pose Free 30 Minute Workout Video

If bad weather has you trapped inside and the gym is closed, or you are stressed while traveling and need a no-equipment workout that also soothes your mind, I have a little gift for you: My new free 30 minute Slimnastics Power Pose Yoga Video!

This video focuses on:
• calming, deep breaths and focusing the mind
• a complete warm-up with cat, cows, chairs, spinal extensions, and energizing sun salutations
• a power pose workout that will boost your booty with warriors
• build upper back and arm strength with 8 angle pose, forearm stand, dolphin, down dogs, handstands, and firefly
• work your chest with chaturangas and double triceps push ups
• work your abs with plank variations and boat poses
• strengthen your lower back with locust
• build balance with standing postures like tree, dancer, big toe hold twist, and heel stretches
• .detox with standing and supine twists
• calm your spirit with savasana

In just 30 minutes your mind will get a vacation while your body gets a workout. You’ll get to watch me lead the poses on a Caribbean beach, and flow through the vinyasa workout or pause the video and hold each poses as long as you’d like. This routine includes many of the challenging poses from my Slimnastics book (Amazon). And it’s free!

Namaste – Nikki