Posts Tagged ‘gluteus’

The Blood Type Workout

February 26, 2013

A Workout Customized for Your Blood Type!

Imagine if your doctor, nutritionist and personal trainer all got together with a plan to help you lose weight and de-​​stress.… this dream come true is a brand new workout system just launched that is a customized for your DNA, and it has never been done before.

The blood type is a powerful genetic fingerprint, and there is a chemical reaction to food you eat, workouts and your blood.

The Blood Type Workout (www​.bloodtypeworkout​.com) has just launched this month. The kit contains a blood type test, stability ball, sand weights, exercise bands, and at least 3 DVDs for each type A, B, AB, O, and advice from doctors and nutritionists, Dr Joseph Christiano and Dina Khadar who wrote the Blood Type Diet.

I had the pleasure of creating an original workout video for one of the types, I did a walking-​​based cardio workout for one of the type AB DVDs. Here is a segment from Fox & Friends showing some of the moves. Segment here!

Below is a brief descriptions of the workouts for each type:

Type O — The most common blood type in the world was also the first, going back to the caveman and hunter — fight and filght.. The basic O is an athlete. O’s have more physical strength, and need exercise to release stress, worries, fears and anxieties. stress goes directly to your muscles. Need explosions of intense physical energy like plyometrics. More than any other blood type, Os rely on physical exercise to maintain physical health and emotional balance.

Type A — Heightened cortisol levels make it harder to recover from stress, derived in history from the first farmers. Need focus and calming effects. Yoga/​Pilates/​/​Tai Chi. Protect the joints. Avoid overtraining aerobics and weight.

Type B – Nomads in history. To maintain the mind/​body balance that is unique to Type B’s, not too aerobically intense, have an element of mental challenge and involve other people. Exercise modalities: low impact aerobics, weight training, martial arts, swimming, cycling and tennis.

Type AB — More modern life created this newest and most rare blood type, result of intermingling rather than environment. Resemble Type O in your tendency to overproduce adrenaline. Yet you also have the additional complexity of Type B’s you suffer the physical consequences of high emotions. Your greatest danger is the tendency to internalize your emotions, especially anger. Exercise modalities appropriate for ABs are: walking based cardio, dance, stretching, hiking, swimming, cycling, golf, tai chi, Yoga.

Fitness — fit it in and work out out right for your type!